How many things have you owned that broke at some point and it was easier to just replace them, than figure out how to fix them? Do you have a box with receipts somewhere, in case you need to make a warranty claim? How often do you update your insurance policy to make sure you are appropriately covered? Most of us are aware of what we should be doing: repair rather than replace, keep all receipts, review our insurance at least annually, etc. But we don’t. We just buy a replacement for an item that breaks, lament the expense, and move on.

We created Savvee to help you get the most out of your things and ensure that every product lives its life to the fullest. By practicing sustainable behaviors from the initial purchase to the disposal of the item, you can save both money and the planet. Savvee simplifies the repair process and advises on how to best take care of, submit claims for, and dispose of your possessions when you no longer need them. Try it now on iOS or Android.
There are about 1.5bn smartphones sold every year: 1’500’000’000. Most of them are replacing an old phone, most of them are new, and on average, they’ll serve for 2-3 years, before being replaced again. So 1.5bn smartphones sold, also means 1.5bn smartphones discarded. Apple has come up with an efficient way, to harvest the parts from old iPhones to make new ones. “Daisy” can take apart 1.2million iPhones per year and Apple has set up two of them: one in the US and one in the Netherlands, neither running at full capacity (Apple sold 239 million phones in 2021).
We at Savvee believe there’s a better way. Ideally, that starts with the purchase decision: opting for pre-owned or refurbished over brand-new. Once you make a buying decision, Savvee can help you store the receipt so that you can easily access it when you need it. In addition, you’ll get a checklist on how to best take care of your purchase, so it can bring you joy for as long as possible. We are continuously expanding the categories and items we support with advice. Savvee will even remind you before the warranty runs out, so you can still get the item fixed if it had been broken for a while and you’ve been procrastinating with the repair. And if the time comes to part ways, we’ll help you figure out how to still get more value from it: either financially by selling it, practically by repurposing it, or spiritually by donating or recycling it.
Savvee wants you to get the most out of your things, by taking good care of them. You don’t agree? Let us know!