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The ultimate guide to prolonging the life of your possessions

When you invest in a new possession, whether it's a piece of clothing, a piece of furniture, or an electronic device, you likely want it to last as long as possible. However, with constant use and exposure to the elements, it can be challenging to preserve the lifespan of your belongings. While each item might come with custom care instructions, there are some general rules that will make it easier to take care of your things.

Here is our ultimate guide to prolonging the life of your possessions:

  1. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for care and maintenance. Each item will have its own set of guidelines for how to properly use and care for it. Make sure to read the manual and follow any recommended maintenance schedules and care instructions.

  2. Keep your things clean and dust-free. Dust and dirt can build up over time and interfere with the performance and appearance of your items. Make sure to regularly clean and dust your belongings to keep them looking and working their best.

  3. Repair small issues before they become big problems. If you notice something isn't working quite right, don't ignore it. A small repair now could save you from having to replace the entire item down the line. Depending on the issue, you can take inspiration from Kintsugi, the Japanese art form that highlights the mended fracture points with gold, and customize your item further as part of the repair (for example by adding embroidery to fix small holes on clothes).

  4. Use possessions correctly. Misusing items can cause them to break down prematurely. Make sure to read the manual and follow the recommended usage guidelines to avoid damaging your belongings.

  5. Store possessions properly. If you have to store something for any length of time, make sure to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for safe storage. This will help preserve the item and prevent damage.

  6. Protect your possessions from the elements. Depending on the type of item, it may be sensitive to extreme temperatures, humidity, or other environmental factors. Make sure to store your possessions in a cool, dry place and protect them from exposure to the elements.

  7. Invest in high-quality items. While it may be tempting to save money by purchasing lower-quality items, these items may not last as long as higher-quality options. Consider investing in high-quality possessions that are built to last. While good quality usually does cost extra, a high price by itself does not guarantee quality, so make sure to do your research before deciding to buy.

  8. Use protective cases and covers. For possessions like electronics, luggage, and outdoor gear, consider using protective cases and covers to help preserve their lifespan. These protective measures can help shield your belongings from damage and wear and tear.

  9. Take good care of your possessions. Proper care and maintenance can go a long way in preserving the lifespan of your possessions. This might include regularly cleaning and dusting items, avoiding rough handling, and following recommended usage guidelines.

  10. Use the Savvee app. We have created the app specifically, to make taking care of your things a breeze. Not only will it let you know when your warranty is about to expire, but it will also provide you with useful tips on how to keep your possessions in good shape. And it is completely free!

By following these tips, you can help prolong the lifespan of your possessions and get the most out of them. While it's inevitable that they will eventually wear out or break down, proper care and maintenance can help preserve their lifespan and ensure that you get the most value for your investment. In the best case scenario, your items will last longer than you need them, allowing you to sell or donate them to further increase the lifetime value created by your purchase.


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