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The gift-giving guide that does not produce more stuff

As we head into the holiday season, you may be thinking about all the people in your life that you would like to share a gift with. On the one hand, we have been using gift-giving to cement relationships for millennia, on the other, most of us are so used to the pre-holiday rush of buying all sorts of things that we no longer stop and think whether there is a better way. Here at Savvee, we believe that when we are thoughtful with our gifts, we can not only show appreciation for our loved ones, but it also does not have to cost a lot.

  1. Spend time together With some friends and family members, the intention of seeing them does not always correspond to our lived experience - you want to see them, but life gets in the way, and before you know it, months have gone by. So sometimes, a commitment to spend time together is the best gift you can give to both of you. So, perhaps a ‘gift certificate’ for dinner, brunch, dessert at a new place, at your home, or at an old favorite would be just the thing your relationship needs. Also, if there are life necessities that you are particularly good at, and your gift recipient hates, offering to do those together and/or teach them may be very well-received too! Some examples would be going clothes shopping, personal finances workshop, organizing/decluttering, the list is endless. Just make sure that the intended recipient expressed an interest in that service beforehand, so as not to imply their incompetence.

  2. Experiences encompass many various types of gifts

    1. Memberships. There are so many options here! From an annual National Parks pass to a museum membership near your recipient or a wine membership service or Blinkist subscription for the insatiable information consumers in your life, these types of gifts have in common that they take an interest of the person and make it more convenient, or more affordable, to pursue it.

    2. Classes. Although the pandemic did not turn out to be the great learning boon everyone predicted it would be, learning new things can be fun, so if you know that a person is interested in pottery, or organizing, or the always popular cooking, but has not made the time to explore it, a class would be a good gift option. It can be online, if the interest is more unique and so available classes are far away, and in-person if it is something as popular as cooking, and therefore available in most places. Masterclass takes the concept of a TED talk to a whole new level. And for in-person classes, Google often will help you find a good option for a class on a particular topic near the intended location.

    3. Airbnb gift certificate - although for many people Airbnb implies travel, it does not have to be. There is an Airbnb near most places in the US and Europe, so your recipient might be able to use it to see a different part of the city for an event, be closer to a convenient location for a commitment they have, what have you. The gift certificate is also valid for experiences, which run online and in-person, so there is really no worry that the recipient will not find something they like that they could put the money towards.

    4. Touristy things in the place they live - regardless of where we live, we oftentimes forget to be a tourist there, losing the curiosity and the sense of wonder that comes from that perspective. You can reignite the sense of wonder for your loved ones by gifting them a certificate to a tour of the city, or special experience at a museum nearby, or an activity that is particularly fitting for that area. This will work for any destination, even small towns, you just might have to look a bit closer to find the right fit - the unexpected finds are oftentimes the most interesting.

  3. Donations An impactful option is making a donation in your loved one’s name to an organization or cause they care about and support. The last part is important, and the better you understand your recipients interests, the more targeted you can make it. On the other hand, this is one that can be quite broad - donations to Save the Children, Doctors Without Borders etc - is going to be appreciated by most people.

  4. Edible gifts Some say that perishable gifts are not to be gifted for occasions other than a dinner party etc. The goodies you make yourself, however, or know for sure that the recipient will enjoy, are a really great way to not add clutter to their home - you know for sure they will be consumed and enjoyed. They also show thoughtfulness and are a way to share something new and delicious with a loved one. A box of cookies in the mail, a piece of delicious cheese, or even your famous special dish will be consumed and enjoyed,. You do want to make sure that the recipient has plenty of time to enjoy them, so avoid things that go bad quickly, and if the gift is mailed to the recipient, make sure it does not go bad from sitting out in the sun for a while.

For many of us, coming away from this holiday season not feeling that you have extra stuff that you need to dispose of would be a huge win. You can be the gift-giver that makes the holiday season lighter and more fun for everyone.


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